VI Międzynarodowe Biennale „Portret Rodzinny” 2009

The history of the competition

logo_p_kThe history of the competition The current outputs of the competition ‘have provided an important information about the young generation, they forced one to think more on the topic of young people’s needs and sensitivity. The specific language of art includes metaphor, symbols, the graphical sign, surprising point, original associations, it gives the opportunity for a unique self-expression and expressing one-self in matters that require sensitivity, thought and emotions.’ So far there have been five biennale: in the years 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007.

The undertaking has met the interests of the young people. Four editions of the biennale have been received with over three thousand works. We were proud to have famous artists and teachers among our jury. They claimed the works to be telling and possess a high artistic value. They were described as moving and they provided insight into the actual situation of family. For us, the adults, they were a clear sign that the young generation highly estimates the value of family, young people recognize the dangerous and pathologies family faces.

The exhibitions after the contest surprised many with the extent of their topic and the diversity of the artistic techniques. This year we are organizing the sixth edition of the biennale. The opening of the exhibition will take place on 23 April 2009 at our school. We would like to invite everybody to take part in the competition.

We are planning to broaden the Family Portrait competition with literature works and theatre. The information about the rules of the competition in the suggested areas will be provided in the form of an annex later on.

Międzynarodowy konkurs Portret Rodzinny organizowany w cyklu biennale przez Zespół Szkół Plastycznych w Lublinie przyciągnął ogromną ilość uczestników. (…) Popularność konkursu wśród młodzieży dowodzi, że idea konkursu jest niezwykle trafna i pozwala młodym jakże wrażliwym twórcom, zmierzyć się z rzeczywistością niezwykle im bliską, codzienną, będącą dla nas wszystkich najwyższą wartością. Pozwala im odnieść się do rzeczywistości rodziny, poddanej wszystkim presjom współczesności, z całym młodzieńczym zaangażowaniem i całą szczerością – pozwala im wyrazić radość i pogodne bezpieczeństwo, ale i sarkazm, smutek, samotność, stany i odczucia związane ze spojrzeniem na małą, jednostkową własną bądź uniwersalną wielką rodzinę ludzką. Organizatorom konkursu, za tak piękną ideę i za jego kolejny niewątpliwy sukces należą się wyrazy najwyższego uznania.

The Family Portrait International Competition organized in a biennale cycle by the Secondary School of Fine Arts in Lublin, has attracted attention of a great number of participants. The popularity of the competition among young students from all types of schools, not only art ones, proves that the idea of it is well-aimed and allows the young, sensitive people to face the reality that is so close to them and is of great value to all of us. This idea lets them refer to the reality of the family, exposed to the pressures of contemporary world, with their young devotion and sincerity. It allows the young to express their joy and the feeling of safety but also their sarcasm, sadness, lonliness, all the states and feelings connected with their own small families as well as the big, universal family of mankind. The organizers of the competition deserve the words of high apperciation for this beautiful idea and great success.

Prof. Jan Pamuła 
Rektor Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie

plik .pdf prof. Łukasz Konieczko: Edukacja artystyczna

plik .pdf dyr Krystyna Głowniak: O konkursie

plik .pdf Family Portrait 6 edition 2009
